Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas!

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 (niv)

Wishing you comfort, joy and a Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2019

Slow Down and Breathe!

I get so caught up in the season, the hurry, the shopping, making, thinking, listing, cleaning, doing...that I almost forget to breathe.

Especially the closer we get to Christmas.  Do you do that too?

Sometimes we need to just take a deep breath in and slowly...blow...it...all...out.  Feel that tension in your shoulders and neck?  It's not meant to be there.

Now, repeat after me..."I'm not appointed for perfection".

Not in appearance, behavior (or those who belong to us), house condition, gift giving, food making, decorating, party throwing...none of it.

I know I will have to repeat these steps many times!  Take some time for yourself, make a cup of something warm to drink and savor it, take a few minutes to read something you enjoy, stop and take in your surroundings.  Try to notice the gifts around you that you might be overlooking.  I noticed the sun illuminating these poinsettias, and had to take a minute to admire them.  Amazing how a little plant in the sun can even be a gift!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Christmas At Our House - 2019

Welcome to our home!  I thought I would share a few little corners of it.  It isn't finished, it isn't perfect, but isn't the same true of us?  If we waited until we were perfect to share our heart, or until our homes were "finished" to share them...we'd be a lonely bunch.  So come on in, glad you're here!  

This, right here, is what sold us on this property.  Peace, quiet, the unrush.  We woke up to a beautiful frost this morning - the cold certainly didn't bother the ducks, they were already out swimming.
Just can't beat the beauty of a sunrise or sunset.

Our littles are big now and don't have to worry about choking hazards, so I like to add jingle bells to our nativity to fill in the spaces.  A lot of these are from my mother's vast collection of craft supplies.

The wrapping isn't finished, and nothing has bows yet, but the tree is up and finished.

I've been collecting ornaments my whole life.  Every year I think about doing a theme, but just can't resist these old friends.  We have a mix of handmade, like this angel my grandmother crocheted and ones the kids have made, and keepsakes.  I love glass ornaments, they just have such charm.

Since our colors are red, olive and tan, decorating for Christmas doesn't take too much!   Add a throw pillow or two and a tray and the living room looks pretty Christmas-y.

Our fireplace is literally broken, the insides will have to be completely replaced, so this year, no real fire for us.  It seemed such a dark sad spot, so we warmed it up with candles and greenery. 

This is a busy spot.  Lots of tea and coffee drinking year round, so we keep a drink caddy going all year.  We change it up a little seasonally, adding spiced tea, cocoa & mocha packets, ginger tea cookies, biscotti, marshmallows and Santa mugs for Christmas. 

I can't tell you how many kids have tried to peel the foil on those faux chocolate Santas in the windowsill, ha.  Some of the mugs are vintage, others we use are from Target.

A spot to sit rings while washing dishes.

Our bedroom, flannel sheets are so cozy.

That's it for now, come back again!  
And remember, it doesn't have to be perfect to be welcoming!  

Monday, December 16, 2019

Teacher, Neighbor and Secret Santa Gifts - Quick, Cute & Easy

I love a gift that has a touch of handmade and a color coordinated theme.  They're fun to plan and pull together, fun to make and give, and fun to get!

Gift cards may seem impersonal, but I think they make a great gift when dressed up creatively.  The extra doesn't have to be expensive to be cute!  With our kids being in junior high and middle school, they have multiple teachers each...it's a lot of gifts.  We try to do a larger gift for their homeroom teacher and smaller treat to let the others know we appreciate them too.  I can't help but feel that any gift seems a bit paltry (besides a new car or Caribbean vacation) compared to the amount of thought, caring, and work that goes into teaching a class full of children.  No trips or cars this year though, so a thoughtful little gift and a "thank you" it is!

This year, it's a hot cocoa theme for us, with a little variation.  One is "Cookies and Milk for Santa YOU!" with milk bottles from Target, the other is with a stainless steel mug (Walmart set of four for $20) and more of a snowflakes and cocoa theme.  We added instant mocha packets, small packages of cookies, peppermint sticks and a gift card.  A little tissue or crinkle and a handmade tag with twine or ribbon added some cute.

Isn't this one by A Life On A Dime cute?  Tea, a tea bag rest and essential oil.  
 Teacher Gift by A Life On A Dime

Last year, I made cinnamon rolls for our neighbors, adding a pretty bow and greenery pick to the aluminum tray.  This year, I'm making cranberry orange scones, and spiced coffee to give in re-purposed coffee cans with painted lids and covered with fabric.

I've included some gifts we've done in the past, for teachers, neighbors and pals.

Peppermint scented homemade play dough for our neighbor families with kids...we added some cookie cutters to go along with them.  My kids enjoyed helping with this one.

Small plate, package of napkins, and gift card to a local bakery.  
My daughter made the cupcake tag for a personal touch.

Handmade travel tissue envelopes, hand sanitizer, nail polish...you could add lotion, chapstick...perfect for spring allergy season or change the colors to something more Christmas-y.

This one, I'm almost ashamed to put it on here as it's a liquor gift for a teacher!  So here's my disclaimer: *You would have to know I knew her, her class was a complete handful (though lovable, it was a tough bunch), we both value practicality over perfection (you know all those framed perfectly cut crayon initials on pinterest and then...wine), and she STILL posts this pic on Facebook...four years later.  SO...worth a share, judge me or don't, ha.

Do you have a favorite go-to gift?  What is your favorite way to give a gift card?

Sunday, December 15, 2019

2019 Word for the Year

Do you do a word for the year?  Have you heard of that?  You pick a word and then spend the year trying to implement it (for lack of better words) into your life.

I think the first time I heard about it was almost ten years ago.  I chose "Intentional" for that year and felt it actually made a difference, I did become a little more intentional.  And then I kind of forgot about the whole idea and didn't do it again...until last year. I just felt the urge to do it, everyone else was, why not?

I couldn't really think of a word though.  I thought of several, but none really stood out in my mind.

So I prayed about it.

Dear God, please give me a word.  Give me a word to live out this year and learn from.  A word that will change me.  Amen.

It was the weirdest thing.


Clear as a (quiet) bell.  The word "trust" popped into my head.  I laughed it off, why did I think of that?  That thought was me, not God.


It was the theme of daily devotions.  It was the theme of a sermon at church.  It was a word that kept popping into my mind.  It was the theme of Instagram posts from people I respect, it was all over the place.  It didn't shout, it whispered.  But it was e v e r y w h e r e.


Ok, ok.  Ok.  Looks like "trust" is my word for the year!

What have I done by asking for a word, what am I in for?  Oh dear, what does this new year hold for my family and me?  I wondered if keeping the word was a bad idea, kind of like praying for patience (my mom always said not to do that, that you just might get it - the hard way).  I decided maybe it was the word I needed, maybe the year would bring some things that I would need to trust God over.

And the year didn't waste any time in trying that word of the year out.

January, it began.  We found out Graham would need dental surgery, the first surgery either of our kids have ever needed.  Apparently, I am a very nervous Nellie whenever things are out of my control, especially when it involves health and safety.  I get ridiculous.  I prayed, we prayed, I tried really hard to let it go and trust.  And I had peace.  And he was fine.  Great results, healed nicely.

I took on a last minute, unexpected project that I had zero experience with...photo styling for a Hallmark brand (!), Mary & Martha, catalog.  I prayed lots of prayers, and God led me through it.  It was an excellent experience, an absolute gift.

We faced big things and little.   One with the flu, wind damage to our roof (yet we were safe), one who needed stitches, another who almost needed stitches, a swollen chicken, an episode of squeaking chickens, the usual summer road travel pulling a very long trailer, a snake in our coop (twice!) that I accidentally poked (with my bare fingers!) and it did not bite me, lots of time on tall ladders (clumsy me lacking depth perception hates heights), projects that were beyond my knowledge or skill that turned out amazingly (bathroom you will see soon), more travel this time by air, the dog getting loose (too many time to count), and...my dad getting married.

God was there.  We learned, we grew, we loved, we were blessed.  Scary things, opportunities, new people bringing new love to our lives...it all turned out.

Whether I prayed about it and didn't worry, or didn't pray because life happens too fast sometimes, or worried anyways because I am just all too human...God was still there.  God carried us through whether we prayed or not.  God watched over, protected and provided whether I trusted him to or not.  I can tell you with 100 percent surety though, those times I prayed and trusted God to take care of things...I had peace.

Peace is the gift given by Trust.

Peace like a newborn sleeping cozily in it's mama's arms while the preschoolers at library reading time are having a clumsy wobbling music parade complete with tambourines, kazoos, stamping feet and pounding drums.

Peace like sitting in front of a fireplace, heavy curtains drawn against the cold, with a cup of hot tea and a good book on a cold rainy day with howling wind and freezing rain.

Peace of knowing that even though things aren't going as I planned or pictured, it is going just exactly as God planned.  Nothing is a surprise to him, he doesn't forget anything, and there is nothing he doesn't notice.  It might not feel fine at first, but it will all work out according to his plan.  Peace that later, looking back, seeing God's hand in things and knowing that verse Romans 8:28 to be true...

"And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28 NIV

I wondered as the year progressed, if I would pray for a word for next year, or maybe just not.  I feel I have learned and been blessed by praying for a word last year, whereas if I hadn't, this year might have been filled with constant worry and struggle.  So I am praying, asking for a new word for 2020.  I'll let you know when I have it!

Are you praying for a word?  What was your word this year?  How do you feel it changed you?

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Advent Countdown

How do you count down to Christmas? 

Do you do an Advent Calendar?  Do you do a paper chain?

Up until about now, we've always done some little goodies in a pocket or box for each day AND a paper chain, but it's always been hard to keep up. 

Somehow, one more little thing is just one little thing too much during this season of preparation and celebration.  Even the kids couldn't keep up with it!  We'd have days where we ripped 3 or so paper links off. 

One of my favorite count downs was the year my mom gave the kids 25 individually wrapped books.  That countdown was a sure thing, we read a picture book to both kids every night then.  Now they read nightly on their own, but we still have those picture books out on display, in case the need arises. 

Here is it the fifth day of December,  no paper chain has been made, the house is almost decorated, but I still haven't unearthed the advent goodies holder. 

I have a better idea this year.

While listening to Emily P Freeman's podcast "The Next Right Thing" this week, (it comes out every Tuesday, something to definitely look forward to Tuesday for!) she mentions quiet reflection and it inspired me.  I won't say anymore about her episode, you absolutely need to listen to her podcast, I promise you will enjoy it, but it sparked an idea. 

What if in all of this rushing around, trying to hit all of the targets and cover all the bases, what if we are really missing out on something more important?  What if we're wearing ourselves out just for the sake of overdoing it?  Remember that old saying, "It's the thought that counts"?  Have we forgotten to slow down and think?

What if the best way to prepare for Christmas and celebrate advent is daily quiet reflection? 

I found one of those Pinterest pins of "99 Questions to Ask Your Kids After School Besides How Was Your Day" or something like that, and have started asking them at least a couple most every day.

Both kids LOVE it. 

It always sparks conversation that goes in many directions and hopefully, they both leave the snack table feeling heard. 

So thinking of advent, and daily questions, and thoughts to share, I pulled together a list of questions. It can be for grownups to ask themselves in a moment of peace and quiet, to share at the table after school with the kids over snacks, or to talk about with the spouse after the kids are tucked into bed.

You can find a printable version here:

Advent Thoughts PDF

It's a PDF to download and print (all black and white, it's truly not fancy or perfect...but might be useful). 

You can pretty it up if you wish, or have the kids do it, or don't do it at all.  They can just sit in a stack somewhere clean and dry where they won't be forgotten.  I had a few minutes and since creating is life giving to me,  I cut mine to fit into a berry basket I already had and added some washi tape.  You can do as much or little with them as you like.  I hope you enjoy!

Wishing you happy thoughts, peace and calm, and hopefully a little time to yourself to put your feet up!  -Cara

Sunday, December 1, 2019

O Christmas Tree

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.*

Our nine foot tree from the last house is too tall for the eight foot ceilings at this house. 

Last House

Last year, we set it up in the eating area, which has a peaked ceiling, but it made the dining table seating a little awkward.  And opening gifts on the dining area floor was a little crowded and uncomfortable...not to mention difficult to get pictures - priorities, right?

Last Year

This year, the tree is going in the living room, eight foot ceilings or bust.  I bent the top few pieces down and we wedged it in.  It barely fits and I've probably gauged the ceiling (it needs fresh paint anyways), but it is not going anywhere!

We always had a fresh tree before, but we were also always sick at Christmas with itchy eyes, runny noses and sore throats.  Three or four years ago, we decided to try an artificial tree and voila!  No more sick!  Three or four years of packing the tree away in it's box has taken a toll though, the poor wooly thing started looking a bit flat and disheveled.  So last year, instead of ordering a new tree,  I ordered a five pound box of tree flocking.  I love those heavily flocked trees all over Instagram, but they are SO expensive and our tree is still good enough (I'd rather spend the money on house projects than on a new tree too!).  

 Flock In A Box

It worked beautifully!  I was immediately hooked.  I pulled the tree out this year, it still looked good, but I decided to add more.  All you need is a flour sifter, spoon to scoop, and a spray bottle filled with water.  Make sure to cover under the tree with towels, paper, or a plastic tablecloth.  It comes off of hardwood, but you may have to scrape a little, so it's better to protect.  Spritz the tree first to give something for the powder to stick to.  I added some essential oils to give it a happy smell while I worked - cedar, Thieves, and orange, but that's just an extra, not necessary.  Then sift, and spray while sifting.  So easy!  A little addictive too, I did our tree and the kids two bedroom trees and was still looking for things to flock.  A little bit goes a long way, I still have quite a bit of that 5 pound box left!

Look how pretty!  And quickly!  I love a project with instant gratification.  You can find Flock-in-a-box here.  Let me know if you try it!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

When Grief Shows Up for the Holidays

Joy, laughter and togetherness are always welcome for the holidays, but sometimes an uninvited guest can pull up a chair too.  


You don't have to have lost someone to feel it.  It could be a job loss, a deep disappointment, a strained relationship, a missed opportunity, a health challenge, or changes either chosen or forced that you are adjusting to.

Like a badly behaved guest, if it isn't planned for, properly attended and taken care of, Grief can spoil your plans, wreck your party, embarrass you and leave you crying in the bathroom at the most inopportune of times.

No one wants that.

We can't ask our feelings to leave, but we can be ready for them, treat them kindly, and help ourselves handle them.  I've lost plenty of people at this point in my life, including my mother, and have suffered plenty of hurt, disappointment, strained relationships (and finances, those definitely cause grief!), and goodness knows, changes.  I've tried and failed so many ways to deal with it, including ignoring (it does NOT go away), and have found a few things that work for me, which might work for you too.

1.  Acknowledge Grief
Allow yourself a chance to be sad.  Feel it.  Don't ignore it or stuff it down for a later time.  Have a good cry about it when you have some privacy, you'll be less likely to fall apart later. Hand it to God, asking for help with healing and letting go.

2.  Know Your Triggers
The song "Amazing Grace" just kills me.  It's my favorite, was my mom's favorite, and is such a tender, precious song.  For the longest time, I couldn't hear the tune without my eyes leaking, and while that's better now, I still can't sing it without choking up.  If it started to play at church, I would exit the room.  It was just the easiest way.  If you know something will upset you, take a break, come back when it's over.

3.  Count Your Blessings
Gratitude chases an entire army of yucky feelings away.  It doesn't take long to come up with a handful of reasons to be grateful.

4.  Make Time For Yourself
Get enough rest, eat properly, drink plenty of water, and have a little peace and quiet to do something you enjoy.  A depleted person has a hard time during an average day, much less a holiday.

5.  Talk to Someone
Let your spouse, family, close friend know that you feel sad.  They care about you.  Sometimes grief shows up as irritability, impatience, and sullenness when we don't mean for it to.  It's easier to be patient and supportive of someone if you know they are struggling.

6.  Change It Up
Change things if you need to.  Let go of traditions (at least this time) that are just utterly painful.  Opt out.  You are allowed to decline, let go, and do things differently if you need to.  If it involves others, let them know why, they will be less likely to be hurt and more likely to understand.

7.  Remember Your Loved One
Reminisce over the good, share a funny memory, make a donation or buy a poinsettia for a nursing home in your loved ones name. Ignoring the loss does not help anything, honoring the person will help ease the sting a little.

Remember, you are never alone, each day will get a little better.  Reach out to your people, be honest with how you are feeling, allow yourself to be cared for.  You are worth it!

May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant. Psalm 119:76 NIV

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.  Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.  Psalm 147:3-5 NIV

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Christmas at RedHouseDryGoods

I've had an Etsy shop for as long as I can remember, it's name and content has changed almost like I have.  When our kids were tiny, CaraMagic held handmade baby gifts, baby sock corsages and sparkly princess wands.  As they got older, the things I made changed a little too.  When we moved to a house so red, the name just had to change as well.  CaraMagic became Red House Dry Goods.  We no longer live in the red house, and goodness knows I hope the color our house is now is not permanent, but the shop name remains.  Long story short, Christmas has come to RedHouseDryGoods!

You'll find stockings, gifts, craft kits, gift wrapping goodies and jewelry...

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to Set a Pretty Thanksgiving Table - Quick & Simple

When we host a dinner or holiday, I get so caught up in the cooking and making sure the house is clean enough, that sometimes the table setting becomes the last task.  I love decorating so much more than cooking or cleaning, so it just pains me that this is the case.
I would rather take my time and enjoy the process, but sometimes there just isn't much time left!  Trying to set a pretty table can really add stress and pressure to an already busy situation.

There is a happy medium though!  I've figured out a formula.

You can use it for any event or holiday, and it always turns out...so long as you have the main piece...greenery of some sort.  Without it, ugh, it may feel a little empty.

1.  A Good Base
You need an easily cleaned, blank canvas.  That can be a bare polished table, or a tablecloth.  I like to use a cotton canvas painter's drop cloth.  It adds softness and light, protects your table...and it's inexpensive and multi-use!  If a spill doesn't wash out (they usually do), you can always use it for...a drop cloth.  *Make sure you wash and dry the drop cloth first (and of course iron it), sometimes they can have a funny smell.

2.  An Anchor
A table runner of any kind -  solid, patterned, an actual runner, a long piece of paper, or even just a long piece of cloth will give the next part, the most important part, an anchored feeling.

3.  A Centerpiece
This part makes the most difference and is SO easy...use a garland!  Either snake the entire length down the table, or fold it in half and center it.  Instant results!  It adds color, height, interest and fullness to your table.  Garlands are frequently on sale, cost less than flower bunches (fresh or faux), and are already arranged beautifully.  It saves you time and money (and can be reused again and again in other ways!).  You could even stop here and be done with it.  I added in a few sprigs of faux eucalyptus as this garland didn't have a lot of foliage.

4. Linens
I often use a neutral, basic napkin for the meal, and a smaller, colorful one to use at dessert.  They look so pretty layered between plates, or together in a napkin ring.  I'm keeping it simple for Thanksgiving, simple white dishwasher safe dinnerware (from Target, years ago), Mudpie monogrammed napkins and probably paper napkins with dessert (thanks to the mice that invaded a box in the garage that had my fall things- who knew cotton napkins made good nesting material?).

4.  Sparkle and Height
I love using both tall candlesticks for height and chunky short candles for weight.  You don't want anything that will block the view of who's sitting across the table, just something to add a little dimension and sparkle.  Worried about little fingers or napkins and candles?  Battery operated twinkle lights can mingle with the garland instead.

5. There you have it!  Basic, quick, no fuss table decor...of course you can add to it all you want, time and energy allowing.  What are your table decor go-to's?