Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to Set a Pretty Thanksgiving Table - Quick & Simple

When we host a dinner or holiday, I get so caught up in the cooking and making sure the house is clean enough, that sometimes the table setting becomes the last task.  I love decorating so much more than cooking or cleaning, so it just pains me that this is the case.
I would rather take my time and enjoy the process, but sometimes there just isn't much time left!  Trying to set a pretty table can really add stress and pressure to an already busy situation.

There is a happy medium though!  I've figured out a formula.

You can use it for any event or holiday, and it always turns long as you have the main piece...greenery of some sort.  Without it, ugh, it may feel a little empty.

1.  A Good Base
You need an easily cleaned, blank canvas.  That can be a bare polished table, or a tablecloth.  I like to use a cotton canvas painter's drop cloth.  It adds softness and light, protects your table...and it's inexpensive and multi-use!  If a spill doesn't wash out (they usually do), you can always use it for...a drop cloth.  *Make sure you wash and dry the drop cloth first (and of course iron it), sometimes they can have a funny smell.

2.  An Anchor
A table runner of any kind -  solid, patterned, an actual runner, a long piece of paper, or even just a long piece of cloth will give the next part, the most important part, an anchored feeling.

3.  A Centerpiece
This part makes the most difference and is SO easy...use a garland!  Either snake the entire length down the table, or fold it in half and center it.  Instant results!  It adds color, height, interest and fullness to your table.  Garlands are frequently on sale, cost less than flower bunches (fresh or faux), and are already arranged beautifully.  It saves you time and money (and can be reused again and again in other ways!).  You could even stop here and be done with it.  I added in a few sprigs of faux eucalyptus as this garland didn't have a lot of foliage.

4. Linens
I often use a neutral, basic napkin for the meal, and a smaller, colorful one to use at dessert.  They look so pretty layered between plates, or together in a napkin ring.  I'm keeping it simple for Thanksgiving, simple white dishwasher safe dinnerware (from Target, years ago), Mudpie monogrammed napkins and probably paper napkins with dessert (thanks to the mice that invaded a box in the garage that had my fall things- who knew cotton napkins made good nesting material?).

4.  Sparkle and Height
I love using both tall candlesticks for height and chunky short candles for weight.  You don't want anything that will block the view of who's sitting across the table, just something to add a little dimension and sparkle.  Worried about little fingers or napkins and candles?  Battery operated twinkle lights can mingle with the garland instead.

5. There you have it!  Basic, quick, no fuss table decor...of course you can add to it all you want, time and energy allowing.  What are your table decor go-to's?