Sunday, December 1, 2019

O Christmas Tree

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Our nine foot tree from the last house is too tall for the eight foot ceilings at this house. 

Last House

Last year, we set it up in the eating area, which has a peaked ceiling, but it made the dining table seating a little awkward.  And opening gifts on the dining area floor was a little crowded and uncomfortable...not to mention difficult to get pictures - priorities, right?

Last Year

This year, the tree is going in the living room, eight foot ceilings or bust.  I bent the top few pieces down and we wedged it in.  It barely fits and I've probably gauged the ceiling (it needs fresh paint anyways), but it is not going anywhere!

We always had a fresh tree before, but we were also always sick at Christmas with itchy eyes, runny noses and sore throats.  Three or four years ago, we decided to try an artificial tree and voila!  No more sick!  Three or four years of packing the tree away in it's box has taken a toll though, the poor wooly thing started looking a bit flat and disheveled.  So last year, instead of ordering a new tree,  I ordered a five pound box of tree flocking.  I love those heavily flocked trees all over Instagram, but they are SO expensive and our tree is still good enough (I'd rather spend the money on house projects than on a new tree too!).  

 Flock In A Box

It worked beautifully!  I was immediately hooked.  I pulled the tree out this year, it still looked good, but I decided to add more.  All you need is a flour sifter, spoon to scoop, and a spray bottle filled with water.  Make sure to cover under the tree with towels, paper, or a plastic tablecloth.  It comes off of hardwood, but you may have to scrape a little, so it's better to protect.  Spritz the tree first to give something for the powder to stick to.  I added some essential oils to give it a happy smell while I worked - cedar, Thieves, and orange, but that's just an extra, not necessary.  Then sift, and spray while sifting.  So easy!  A little addictive too, I did our tree and the kids two bedroom trees and was still looking for things to flock.  A little bit goes a long way, I still have quite a bit of that 5 pound box left!

Look how pretty!  And quickly!  I love a project with instant gratification.  You can find Flock-in-a-box here.  Let me know if you try it!


  1. This looks awesome! We have the opposite tree problems this year! Mine's too short and scrawny for the open space and 9' ceilings!

    1. Thank you! Haha, well, we all do have our problems, right? I sure do miss 9' ceilings!
