Sunday, December 15, 2019
2019 Word for the Year
Do you do a word for the year? Have you heard of that? You pick a word and then spend the year trying to implement it (for lack of better words) into your life.
I think the first time I heard about it was almost ten years ago. I chose "Intentional" for that year and felt it actually made a difference, I did become a little more intentional. And then I kind of forgot about the whole idea and didn't do it again...until last year. I just felt the urge to do it, everyone else was, why not?
I couldn't really think of a word though. I thought of several, but none really stood out in my mind.
So I prayed about it.
Dear God, please give me a word. Give me a word to live out this year and learn from. A word that will change me. Amen.
It was the weirdest thing.
Clear as a (quiet) bell. The word "trust" popped into my head. I laughed it off, why did I think of that? That thought was me, not God.
It was the theme of daily devotions. It was the theme of a sermon at church. It was a word that kept popping into my mind. It was the theme of Instagram posts from people I respect, it was all over the place. It didn't shout, it whispered. But it was e v e r y w h e r e.
Ok, ok. Ok. Looks like "trust" is my word for the year!
What have I done by asking for a word, what am I in for? Oh dear, what does this new year hold for my family and me? I wondered if keeping the word was a bad idea, kind of like praying for patience (my mom always said not to do that, that you just might get it - the hard way). I decided maybe it was the word I needed, maybe the year would bring some things that I would need to trust God over.
And the year didn't waste any time in trying that word of the year out.
January, it began. We found out Graham would need dental surgery, the first surgery either of our kids have ever needed. Apparently, I am a very nervous Nellie whenever things are out of my control, especially when it involves health and safety. I get ridiculous. I prayed, we prayed, I tried really hard to let it go and trust. And I had peace. And he was fine. Great results, healed nicely.
I took on a last minute, unexpected project that I had zero experience styling for a Hallmark brand (!), Mary & Martha, catalog. I prayed lots of prayers, and God led me through it. It was an excellent experience, an absolute gift.
We faced big things and little. One with the flu, wind damage to our roof (yet we were safe), one who needed stitches, another who almost needed stitches, a swollen chicken, an episode of squeaking chickens, the usual summer road travel pulling a very long trailer, a snake in our coop (twice!) that I accidentally poked (with my bare fingers!) and it did not bite me, lots of time on tall ladders (clumsy me lacking depth perception hates heights), projects that were beyond my knowledge or skill that turned out amazingly (bathroom you will see soon), more travel this time by air, the dog getting loose (too many time to count), dad getting married.
God was there. We learned, we grew, we loved, we were blessed. Scary things, opportunities, new people bringing new love to our all turned out.
Whether I prayed about it and didn't worry, or didn't pray because life happens too fast sometimes, or worried anyways because I am just all too human...God was still there. God carried us through whether we prayed or not. God watched over, protected and provided whether I trusted him to or not. I can tell you with 100 percent surety though, those times I prayed and trusted God to take care of things...I had peace.
Peace is the gift given by Trust.
Peace like a newborn sleeping cozily in it's mama's arms while the preschoolers at library reading time are having a clumsy wobbling music parade complete with tambourines, kazoos, stamping feet and pounding drums.
Peace like sitting in front of a fireplace, heavy curtains drawn against the cold, with a cup of hot tea and a good book on a cold rainy day with howling wind and freezing rain.
Peace of knowing that even though things aren't going as I planned or pictured, it is going just exactly as God planned. Nothing is a surprise to him, he doesn't forget anything, and there is nothing he doesn't notice. It might not feel fine at first, but it will all work out according to his plan. Peace that later, looking back, seeing God's hand in things and knowing that verse Romans 8:28 to be true...
"And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 NIV
I wondered as the year progressed, if I would pray for a word for next year, or maybe just not. I feel I have learned and been blessed by praying for a word last year, whereas if I hadn't, this year might have been filled with constant worry and struggle. So I am praying, asking for a new word for 2020. I'll let you know when I have it!
Are you praying for a word? What was your word this year? How do you feel it changed you?
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