Friday, February 22, 2019

Random Thoughts & Happenings of the Week

Sunday began the week with one kid starting to feel bad on the way home from church, setting the stage for the rest of the week.  And while no one else in our family has caught it, I'm pretty sure it's the flu.  We are not alone in this though, as one of his close friends has the same symptoms and their school had 180 out sick yesterday.  Tamiflu's side effects scare me, so we've stayed home and treated it the old fashioned way with plenty of fluids, tv watching, napping and kept the fever under control with ibuprofen and Tylenol.  Our bed seems to be the place for napping (the cats agree!).

We've all been taking elderberry and just in case, I've tried to slip in some apple cider vinegar any chance I get.  If someone told me doing headstands would prevent/stop/heal it, I would do that at this point.  Sickness makes me feel a little crazy.  Especially when it's the kids.  I made the kids "homemade orange soda", they loved it.  Sprite, a splash of Ginger Honey Sipping Cider (ACV), a squeeze of orange, and a slice for garnish...they had no idea it was sort of healthy.  Or had ACV in it!  I found the Vermont Village ACV at Walmart Neighborhood Market.

It's rained quite a bit, which meant our driveway turned to peanut butter (or so it felt).  We had gravel delivered and poured and it was an instant transformation.  Who knew gravel could bring such joy?

The roof we'd been waiting on since the storm before Christmas is finally underway, and the very same day we got the beautiful driveway, the delivery truck sent it into utter ruin.  Boo.  At least they've promised to fix it once the roofing job is complete.

On the bright side, our damaged, green shingled roof is now gone and a beautiful new metal one is being installed.  The pitter-patter of little feet (bumps, bangs and house-shaking thumps) was music to our ears.  Today anyways.

Our neighbors lost another guinea (something keeps raiding their coop), leaving them with Jenny, the last lonely guinea and two chickens, Henny and Brewster.  Three must be a crowd, so she's left the lovebirds to join our rowdy crowd, cooping herself along with them.  Don't worry, the neighbors gave her permission to stay over.

 One of these is not like the both the above and below pics!

 Someone keeps laying double yolks.

Whew, excuse me, that is a red, dry, wrinkled hand!  

And just like that, the week is almost over.  As I write this, it turned Friday!  Here's hoping you and yours have a great weekend and stay healthy!  Come on Spring! 

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